Together, for the Wild Ones!

Engage at a Local Level

We all have the ability to help protect wildlife and wild places in our local communities. Here are some suggestions how you can become an activist for wildlife:

pigeon prints

Backyard Gardening

Plant native and wildlife friendly plants that help provide habitat for local birds, insects, amphibians, and more. To learn more about backyard wildlife habitat, here are a few sites to get you started:

hare prints

Buy locally

Buy locally sourced foods and products. Why buy local food? It's healthier for you and better for the environment:

bear prints

Grow your own food

How to grow your own food for increased security, health, financial and happiness benefits:

frog prints

Refuse, Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, and Repurpose

Refuse, reduce, reuse, repair & recycle:

fox prints

Volunteer locally

These opportunities are often as unique as your community, the landscape, and your interests. A few ideas include: helping remove trash from local wildlife areas, volunteering at a local wildlife rehabilitation center, planting trees or other native plants, and more.

rhino prints

Attend local meetings

Attend wildlife meetings locally and share your concerns and ideas:

bull prints

Run for office

How to run for political office:

alligator prints

Other suggestions?

Please, share them with us:

Take the Pledge

Join the International Wildlife Coexistence Network and take the pledge to embrace a coexistence consciousness as a citizen of the earth. Members will have full access to resources, the latest news, and much more to come!

Let's go!