Leaders at Every Level Ask President Biden to Protect Wolves in the Northern Rockies 

For Immediate Release: October 26, 2021  Contact: Cindy Hoffman, International Wildlife Coexistence Network, (202) 489-5587, cindy@wildlifecoexistence.org; Michel Liao, Timberline High School Student, (208) 995-7613; michel.liao22@gmail.com; James Holt, (208) 791-3306, Buffalo@buffalofieldcampaign.org; Rob Vernon, Association of Zoos and Aquariums (202) 365-7612, rvernon@aza.org    BOISE, Ida. — Jane Goodall, Timberline High School students, hunters, tribal leaders, and the former Director of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service who removed protections for wolves in the Northern Rockies, are among the numerous voices … Continued

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Wolves in Idaho Need Your Help

In support of IWCN’s efforts to protect Idaho and Northern Rocky wolves, two donors have generously offered to match donations THREE-TO-ONE raised up to $20,000 until December 31st. That means your donation will be TRIPLED to protect wolves!