IWCN: Unite For Wolves Webinar, January 2022

Find out how you can become engaged in the efforts to save wolves in the northern Rockies and beyond through this webinar put on my The O6 Legacy and The International Wildlife Coexistence Network. Suzanne Asha Stone, Executive Director of The International Wildlife Coexistence Network has more than 25 years of experience with Northern Rocky … Continued

IWCN: Unite for Wolves Webinar, May 2022

Bounties, night raids, hunting hounds and now, the killing of pups and nursing mothers in their dens. While Wyoming and Montana have ended their hunting seasons on wolves, Idaho continues on, during the most vulnerable time for wolves as they are raising their newborn pups. Join us for a forum where you will hear from … Continued

IWCN: Unite for Wolves Webinar, August 2022

Who can coexist with Wolves? We can! Hear from those working with livestock owners to proactively implement nonlethal measures both ancient and modern to coexist with wolves and other native wildlife in the Western United States and across the world in Hungary. During this forum, you’ll learn about wolves in Idaho and their battle to … Continued

Behaviors of High Arctic Wolves in Response to Humans

This paper reports results of the first range-wide study of the behaviors of free-living wolves in the High Arctic in response to human presence and discusses these behaviors from a conservation perspective. The study focused on wolves believed to have had little, if any, contact with humans and excluded data from areas where wolves have … Continued

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