A quantitative assessment of the indirect impacts of human-elephant conflict

Human-wildlife conflict has direct and indirect consequences for human communities. Understanding how both types of conflict affect communities is crucial to developing comprehensive and sustainable mitigation strategies. We conducted an interview survey of 381 participants in two rural areas in Myanmar where communities were exposed to human-elephant conflict (HEC). In addition to documenting and quantifying … Continued

Transfrontier Conservation Areas and Human-Wildlife Conflict: The Case of the Namibian Component of the Kavango-Zambezi (KAZA) TFCA

Our study deals with human-wildlife conflicts in the Namibian component of the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area (KAZA TFCA). The study reconstructs the historical occurrence of selected mammal species and adopts a socio-ecological approach to assess the impact of human dimensions in the KAZA TFCA. Our results reveal pronounced human–wildlife conflicts with considerable impacts on the … Continued

Meta-Analysis of Attitudes toward Damage-CausingMammalian Wildlife

Many populations of threatened mammals persist outside formally protected areas, and theirsurvival depends on the willingness of communities to coexist with them. An understanding of the attitudes,and specifically the tolerance, of individuals and communities and the factors that determine these is thereforefundamental to designing strategies to alleviate human-wildlife conflict. We conducted a meta-analysis toidentify factors … Continued

She Runs with Wolves

Jessica’s passion for wolves is innate, part of her being. When she was a little girl, she was enamored with the reintroduction of wolves into Yellowstone. She would clip articles about the wolves and when her mom asked why, she said, “I want to write to these biologists and do what they do someday.”  Little … Continued

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