Wood River Wolf Project Presentation at IWCN Wolf Forum
On September 30, 2021, The Wood River Wolf Project presented at IWCN’s Wolf Coexistence Forum.
On September 30, 2021, The Wood River Wolf Project presented at IWCN’s Wolf Coexistence Forum.
Suzanne Asha Stone’s presentation at The Wildlife Society conference 2022.
Who can coexist with Wolves? We can! Hear from those working with livestock owners to proactively implement nonlethal measures both ancient and modern to coexist with wolves and other native wildlife in the Western United States and across the world in Hungary. During this forum, you’ll learn about wolves in Idaho and their battle to … Continued
Thank you to the Summerlee Foundation for supporting this initiative.
As we come to the end of the first year of operations for the International Wildlife Coexistence Network, I want to take a moment to share our major accomplishments. These include establishing a new global wildlife coexistence library to ensure all people have access to valuable resources; developing an exceptional Coexistence Council of experts that are already working with communities to identify nonlethal tools and … Continued
Coexistence is not a new philosophy for the folks on the ground at the Wood River Wolf Project or the Voyageurs Wolf Project. They live it during every summer grazing season. For 14 years, the Wood River Wolf Project has been on the ground using nonlethal strategies to minimize wolf sheep conflicts in Idaho. When … Continued
I have had two transformative moments in my life that guided me to a path of service to wildlife. From a young age I had a real love for nature, I was immersed in it growing up on a big rural property in Australia. In the 1980’s my parents had bought an abandoned mine and … Continued
Share on Facebook Share on Linkedin Share on Twitter Springtime is the time of new life and family unity for wolves. The whole year before and after revolves around preparing for pups and caring for them until they reach 10 months of age and can take care of themselves. The pups are so cherished by … Continued
Conservationists call for veto of wolf eradication bill Contact: Talasi Brooks, Western Watersheds Project (208) 336-9077 Garrick Dutcher, Living With Wolves (208) 726-3987 Suzanne Asha Stone, International Wildlife Coexistence Network, (208) 861-5177 BOISE, Ida.—Today the Idaho Legislature passed S. 1211, a bill that seizes wildlife management authority from the Idaho Fish and Game Commission and … Continued
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