Public are willing to pay for gray wolf conservation that could support a rancher-led wolflivestock coexistence program
The effectiveness of livestock protection measures against wolves (Canis lupus) and implications for their co-existence with humans
Effectiveness of community-based livestock protection strategies: a case study of human–lion conflict mitigation
Twenty years of lion conservation in a commercial rangeland
Unlocking Lethal Dingo Management in Australia
Pathways to coexistence with dingoes across Australian farming landscapes
The effectiveness of livestock protection measures against wolves (Canis lupus) and implications for their co-existence with humans
Wolves (Canis lupus) can kill domestic livestock resulting in intense conflicts with humans. Damage to livestock should be reduced to facilitate human-wolf coexistence and ensure positive outcomes of conservation efforts. Current knowledge on the effectiveness of livestock protection measures from wolves is limited and scattered in the literature. In this study, we compiled a dataset … Continued
The Role of Wildlife Conservation Activities on Livelihood Development in the Maasai Mara National Reserve, Narok County, Kenya
The Puma (Puma concolor) in the Pampas of Buenos Aires province: an update about geographic range and human-felid conflict
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