The effectiveness of livestock protection measures against wolves (Canis lupus) and implications for their co-existence with humans
Effectiveness of community-based livestock protection strategies: a case study of human–lion conflict mitigation
Twenty years of lion conservation in a commercial rangeland
The Dingo Barrier Fence: Presenting the case to decommission the world’s longest environmental barrier in the United Nations Decade on Ecosystem Restoration 2021–2030
Guide to installing turbo fladry
Predator Smart Farming is the answer to Coexisting with Dingoes
Louise Boronyak has spent the last four years studying the dingo and exploring ways that producers (ranchers) can coexist with the species. Dingoes have been killed due to conflicts with livestock industries and concerns for human safety for over 200 years in Australia. Yet many producers say the dingo predation is getting worse. If we … Continued
Wolf Predation on Horses: A worldwide overview of wolves and free ranging horses
Efficacy of Two Lion Conservation Programs in Maasailand, Kenya
Pathways to Coexistence between Ranchers and Large Carnivores
I have had two transformative moments in my life that guided me to a path of service to wildlife. From a young age I had a real love for nature, I was immersed in it growing up on a big rural property in Australia. In the 1980’s my parents had bought an abandoned mine and … Continued
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