Wolf Predation on Horses: A worldwide overview of wolves and free ranging horses
Living Alongside Wildlife in India
Tigers, elephants, leopards. India is home to some of the most charismatic and globally important populations of wildlife in the world. It is also home to 1.4 billion people, many of which live along-side these exotic species. “Many of these species have been wiped out of other countries,” says Krithi Karanth, IWCN coexistence council member … Continued
Tigers and leopards coexist despite similarities in space use and habitat selection
Wild Seve: A Novel Conservation Intervention to Monitor and Address Human-Wildlife Conflict
Priya Darshini: Weaving Wildlife and Music Together to Better the Planet
The crowd had the leopard cornered. She could see the fear in its eyes. Without a second thought, she jumped out of the taxi and placed herself between the angry crowd and the leopard. She tried to reason with them, but their fear was overwhelming. Fortunately, her quick actions to stop the attack allowed the … Continued
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