As we come to the end of the first year of operations for the International Wildlife Coexistence Network, I want to take a moment to share our major accomplishments. These include establishing a new global wildlife coexistence library to ensure all people have access to valuable resources; developing an exceptional Coexistence Council of experts that are already working with communities to identify nonlethal tools and techniques to better coexist with their local wildlife; hosting international forums on saving essential species, featuring experts on koalas, wolves and sharks; producing an Influential wolf video featuring Dr. Jane Goodall, Senator Cory Booker, and other influencers calling for an end to the slaughter of wolves in the Northern Rockies; and so much more. And we’re just getting started.
Our first official Giving Tuesday, a global giving incentive, is upon us, and we are asking for your support on this special day to donate to the International Wildlife Coexistence Network, which will allow us to continue to focus on:
- Hosting our first International Wildlife Coexistence Summit and youth forum, providing training for non-profit organizations in coexistence methods and messaging, featuring new projects in India, Central and South America, and Nepal; advancing new technologies in human wildlife coexistence; and networking with our colleagues across the world to share resources, build collaboration, and more.
- Fighting for emergency protections for one of the most misunderstood apex predators, the wolf, and their presence in the Northern Rockies of the United States. Montana and Idaho have both passed legislation that allows for the killing of 85 and 90% respectively of wolves statewide using bounties, traps, and snares. Idaho is allowing the killing of newborn pups and nursing mothers in their dens. Montana is allowing hunters to bait wolves from Yellowstone and kill them after they step across the border onto state land. With your support, we have reached the first step in their protections: the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is doing a 12-month status review of the wolves. But they need help now, so we are pushing hard for an emergency listing of wolves under the Endangered Species Act.
- Supporting the 14th year of the Wood River Wolf Project in Idaho. This project is one of the largest tests of nonlethal measures used to protect tens of thousands of sheep in rugged mountainous terrain where wolves range on our public lands. To date, the project’s nonlethal approach has kept losses of sheep down to 0.002 percent of overall sheep present while protecting wolf packs from government lethal control aimed at protecting livestock.
- Providing expertise through our Coexistence Council to communities in the Golan Heights region in Northern Israel who are struggling with wolf conflicts on grazing lands and communities in Uganda that are coming in conflict with chimpanzees due to deforestation for agriculture.
- Hosting educational forums for government agencies, nonprofits, universities and others on nonlethal tools and techniques that can be used to coexist with wildlife.
- The International Wildlife Coexistence Network is a proud member of the new International Kangaroo Protection Alliance (IKPA). IKPA was formed in 2021 to increase the visibility both nationally and internationally about kangaroos and their need for greater protection. The alliance is comprised of 15 Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) and independent ecologists, economists, statisticians, lawyers, writers and others who have extensively studied and advocated for kangaroos and wallabies across Australia. Although native to Australia, kangaroos are highly persecuted across the continent killed for meat, skins and leather in the wild. IWCN supports efforts to encourage human – kangaroo coexistence across Australia.

Your support on Giving Tuesday (November 30th) can make the difference for wildlife that we love and respect and for communities around the world.
The time to act is now. The Earth is losing wildlife and wild places faster than any time in the last three million years. If we maintain this path, wild species and their unique habitats will disappear forever. But it doesn’t have to be this way. It’s time to turn to new solutions that are practical, mutually beneficial for people and wildlife, and build long term resilience. In this way, we can work with Nature instead of against her. That is the mission of the International Wildlife Coexistence Network.
On this Giving Tuesday, take a moment to support the wildlife you love by investing in a holistic approach to living with nature. Your gift of $25 or whatever you can provide will allow us to assist communities worldwide live sustainably with their local wildlife.
Thank you for taking this journey with us.
For the wild ones,
Suzanne Asha Stone